The Sweet Truth About Sugar
Welcome to Module 3 of
Plant Based Plus+
The Sweet Truth About Sugar
Resource Guide: Watch Sugar Coated on Netflix
Here are a few not-so-sweet facts about sugar:
- Sugar promotes inflammation in the body – the root cause of disease.
- Large amounts of sugar will suppress your immune system. (Imagine how your immune systems suffers if you’re eating processed sugars every meal.)
- Sugar suppresses the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body.
- Sugar will raise your insulin levels- which over time can lead to insulin resistance
- Sugars have a massive negative effect on energy levels throughout the day.
- Sugar extracts moisture from your cells and overuse leads to nerve damage
- Sugar impacts your hormones and your ability to deal with stress.
Other than the obvious weight loss benefits of excluding excess sugar from your diet did you know that too much sugar both in natural fructose form and high fructose corn syrup impairs brain and liver function, slows your metabolism and leaves you susceptible to diabetes, heart disease and cancer?
Research has revealed that when tasting sugar the brain lights up in the same regions as it would in an alcoholic with a bottle of whiskey or a person on cocaine. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure center, spikes and reinforces the desire to have more. So basically, the MORE you have the MORE you crave! In addition, too much glucose impairs memory, idea processing, sleep and mood.
When the pancreas senses sugar the body releases insulin which causes cells in the liver, muscles and fat tissues to take up glucose from the blood storing it as glycogen for energy. Eat too much at once and insulin levels spike then drop rapidly causing you to feel tired and crave more in an effort to perk up! Sugar can also cause non-alcoholic liver disease. Eating just 1000 extra calories in sugar may add only 2% body fat but can add up to 27% extra liver fat leading to fatty liver disease.
Premature Aging
In addition to causing sluggishness and brain fog, sugar causes premature aging just as cigarettes and UV rays does. When sugar travels to the skin its components cause nearby amino acids to form cross links. These cross links jam the skin's repair mechanism and over time leaves you with premature wrinkles. Sugar also damages collagen and elastin and interferes with the cells ability to repairs themselves causing sagging skin and wrinkles.
Sugar has a major impact on your overall oral health but consuming it in drinks like soda or juices really takes it toll. Those drinks allow for the sugar to get into every nook and cranny of your teeth and gums, eroding the protective coating on our teeth causing cavities and decay.
Free radicals (mutated cells which multiply and cause cancer) loves sugar and the acidic environment it creates in our bodies. Increased sugar feeds many cancers, including breast and colon cancers and many tumors have insulin receptors which are nourished by glucose.
So there you have it. Although there are many more reasons we could list as to why excessive sugar is detrimental to your health we hope we’ve listed enough to at least keep you aware and conscious of what you’re consuming.
{Natural} Sugar in itself is NOT bad. In fact, we need a certain amount of it to even survive and be able to think straight. The problem really stems from the quick rise in our blood sugar levels when we consume large amounts of refined sugar on a regular basis.
When you eat healthy carbs- like a sweet potato or an apple, you’re also eating the fiber that comes along with it. Digestion is slowed down, so even though you’re eating sugar, your blood sugar levels do not raise as fast. Your body can easily handle it. If you drink a soda, there’s no fiber or anything to slow down the digestive process, and your blood sugar levels spike to unnatural highs.
So- for now on, we’re going to keep it close to nature.
You Probably Already Guessed it but You're Going (Refined) Sugar Free!
This Week:
- We’re going to stay away from ALL white and refined sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Acceptable substitutes (in moderation, of course) are raw local honey, dates, 100% pure maple syrup and 100% pure stevia. Use this guide to read your labels and avoid anything with ADDED sugar.
*Remember- this is a LIFESTYLE approach, not a fad diet. I don’t want you feeling deprived in any way- so it’s all about finding healthier alternatives to what you’re already eating!
Sugar Free Tips
- Satisfy sweet cravings with fruit. The fiber will keep insulin levels in check.
- Drink plenty of water. It’s imperative to stay hydrated. Hunger/cravings are often false positives and can be tamed by hydrating. You should be drinking ½ your body weight in oz. of water i.e. 200 lb. person would drink 100oz of water a day.
- The daily recommendation of sugar intake is no more than about 6 teaspoons (app 24g) for women and 9 teaspoons (app 36g) for men.
- Read labels! Many years ago companies began using high fructose corn syrup as a cheap artificial sweetener in processed foods. It is found in most everything and has been linked to a host of chronic illnesses. Educate yourself on what’s going in your body and being put in you and your family’s food.
- Exercise. Often and consistently! We often tend to make better diet choices when we workout or else it can be viewed as a wasted effort.
- Try eating more protein i.e. whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans etc. High protein foods digest more slowly keeping you fuller longer.
- If you must eat out stick to your protein and veg and avoid sauces and starchy white foods like pasta and breads and unfamiliar sauces and glazes.
- If you fall off the horse hop right back on that same day! You are stronger than any challenge we can throw at you. Mind over matter!