Plant Based Plus+
Reverse obesity, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and auto immune disease in this step by step guide.
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Welcome to Plant Based Plus+
Plant Based Plus+ is Professionally Fit's most popular course to date! This in depth course is designed to educate and assist you in transitioning to a whole foods plant based diet on your own terms. Your course includes a full Plant Based Plus+ recipe guide, grocery list and literary and digital resource guide. Plant Based Plus+ is a live course meaning it's updated regularly. We've helped countless students transition to a whole food plant based diet whilst collectively losing hundreds of pounds and getting off of countless medications. Here's what they have to say...
Lisa!!! Thanks so much!!! You're amazing and this course has been life changing. It was exactly what I needed to get focused and motivated to transition to a plant based conscious lifestyle. Not only did this help me physically, it's helped me emotionally and spiritually. -Q. Michelle
Excellent program! Keep up the great work! Was going to suggest more feedback (for accountability) on food tracking but then I received a couple messages...Thank you! :-) -Former student via anonymous survey
As usual, very informative. Your delivery seems clear, passionate and encouraging. The strength of your sessions are the 'non-scolding/lecturing' tones. It's as if a good friend found out some healthy secrets/info and merely wanted to bless me with said knowledge... -O. Moore
The best place to come to get info on nutrition. Everything was made easy for me to understand. I learn so much in the courses and in my weekly chats with my coach.-Former student via anonymous survey
Very knowledgeable! Things that my Dr. have told me has been the same information my coach gives me. -Former Student via anonymous survey
Soooo, I'm trying on a bra and I went from 44 to 38, I want to cry. I can't f*** believe this! This just made me really want to go hard! -R. Jett
Never thought I would consider giving up meat and dairy. Never thought I'd see my abs. Never thought I'd get below 220lbs. I truly appreciate that my health is important to you. Thank you so very much! -E. Jones
To maximize the benefit of this course we offer the option for it to be paired with weekly food tracking and coaching calls with a certified nutritionist. During these weekly calls you will get all of your questions answered regarding that week’s module plus direct customized feedback on your food from the prior week’s tracking. To add on weekly coaching calls or for more information please click here to schedule a consultation.
Your Instructor
Lisa A. Smith is a serial entrepreneur, health and wellness subject matter expert, nutritionist and professional speaker. She is a certified personal trainer and behavior change specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a masters in business administration. She is also certified in plant based nutrition from Cornell University and is head of the Plant Based Nutrition Support Group for Detroit. She currently serves as the in-house nutritionist for several fitness facilities in metro Detroit and is the author of the guidebook series The Plant Based Foodie and the founder of The Black Health Academy and Professionally Fit.
Lisa began her own weight loss journey in 2012 at 190lbs. She fell in love with fitness, nutrition and self-development, lost over 60lbs and gained a bottomless amount of confidence. It wasn't until she gained confidence in her physical health that she was able to gain confidence in her career. With her new found confidence she launched Professionally Fit in July of 2015. At Professionally Fit, Lisa and her team help individuals and organizations to bridge the gap between their health and their career by helping them to identify the areas of opportunity in their well-being which will translate to growth in their companies and careers. She is a speaker, coach, founder and community leader who epitomizes what it means to be Professionally Fit.
Frequently Asked Questions
I just had to call and tell doctor just took me off of blood pressure medication!
-E. McCann